Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Questioning the Big Question: Power, Pelf and Politics

I read this commercial somewhere a few days back, which floored me to stomach aches. It said, “Two things you should never discuss in public, i.e. Politics and Rashes”. Yet, I am here raising the same questions for which I have been forbidden, repetitively if I must say.

Polls, Polls and Polls. This is the only debated flavour on the table today. And adding an ice cube to it, is the media and its extremely ambigious involvement to this warfare. Today, the power of media has reached verticals and henceforth they run moreover parallel to almost everything. Before elections, there are pre-poll surveys, opinion polls, ennumerous stings and each channel on the planet comes out with its own set of estimated corollaries. Pardon me for using the phrase ‘warfare’ but elections are moreover the same on the runway of power and pelf. The only difference is, it is just bound by democratic rules, thus making it less miserable, not resulting in a violent blood battle. Otherwise the overall strategy & planning, execution, funding, cut throat deceits and diplomatic lies, continue to be analogous to any warfare. Correct me, if I am wrong. We have been here since decades, endorsing the same scenarios with hopes and faiths in the improvement of the society and mankind. Apparently, no good deed has gone unpunished.

The aura of general elections is evident. We can see banners and posters everywhere, the election-special-slogans-and-enchants, the promising leaders and their undying promises, deceiving the same golden eggs which will be served right after the elections. Suddenly, almost every political party or its members will go to being the humblest humans possibly existent. Negative publicities & blames are deliberately framed onto the rivals, the incompetency of the ruling government being focused most. Every issue on the facing calendar is brought down to the table, just to win some scores over others. Eventually, every govt makes some bad decisions or there are under baked or over baked cakes. But before making allegations, they forget and fail to understand that “Two Cynics never make an Optimist”. Elections invariably do bring the true colors of human nature.

The inability to seek something good in your neighbour’s dog walker, weakens and suppresses our enthusiasm, positivity and thoughts, thereby restraining us, which could have actually led us to go places. We lack compassion. We need to learn to acknowledge and appreciate others before tabling our agendas. The concept of me and just my opinions will take us nowhere but in our own comfortable wells which we conceive as the entire world. We focus more on what-is-wrong-with-the-next-guy, or the next party or organisation and less on our own performances and deeds, hardly caring enough to categorize them as good or bad.

I believe the national agenda is far left behind. Even we are lost. We are pre-occupied with who will win the general elections, or what will happen from amethi, or Rajiv Gandhi’s killers. The theme of the story is mislaid. Someone has to win anyway. We expect that the upcoming elected government will first complete the work backlogged in the previous regime, rather than knocking it off to a back seat or abandoning it. But the bigger question is, Will our expections be met or just piled up again on the mountain high column of files ? Who will win the political battle does not concerns me much. People have and will celebrate victories and defeats, but the thought of us failing as a nation will dishearten our handicapped souls(for which we are only solely responsible), again. The urge of the indian psyche to rule needs to be ridiculed, obsession of the chair must be stopped.

For what its worth, let’s be mature in making decisions this time, to form our own government, rather than throwing stones at each other and playing the blame game afterwards. Let’s try to abolish the system of casting votes on grounds of caste, colour or creed and let’s try to be more focused on the developments and efforts to make this world a better place to live in. Let us be aware of the facts and figures, participate more proactively in the foundation of a true democracy. Let not any specific issue, occured at some specific time in the past lying deep down in the dead graves, hamper our decisive capabilities for our future and deviate us from our vision of a remarkable nation.

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